
Quinolyl/pyridyl-amino Li complexes as dual catalysts for the ring-opening polymerization of cyclic esters and degradation toward a circular economy approach

Jian Lin,Peng Wang, Lei Fan, Tian Xiao,Jianhua Cheng,Xia Chen


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Bi- and tetra-lithium quinolyl/pyridyl-amino complexes 1-4 were synthesized and characterized. These lithium complexes were capable of initiating the polymerization of rac-lactice (rac-LA) and e-caprolactone (e-CL) with high catalytic activity, respectively, whether in the presence or absence of BnOH. Both number of metal centers and ligand structures are identified as the crucial factors that determine the reactivity of a catalyst in the ROP. Their kinetic analyses indicated that tetrametallic complex 3 showed a more cooperativity comparable to that achieved with bimetallic analogues in the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of e-CL, however, number of metal centers has no obvious effect on catalytic activity for the ROP of rac-LA. Polymer end-group analysis by 1H NMR and MALDI-TOF MS support the reaction initiated by Li complexes without or with BnOH switching mechanism from a coordination-insertion to an active monomer in the ROP processes reasonably. The diblock copolymer PCL-b-PLA can be effectively prepared by polymerizing e-CL firstly followed by addition of rac-LA. However, the formation of PLA-b-PCL or PLA-random-PCL is limited, and the resulting copolymers only contain a short sequence of PCL moieties which produced by the transesterification between PLA and e-CL, whether the two monomers are added sequentially or simultaneously. Interestingly, these Li complexes not only exhibit a high activity for the polymerization of PLA, but also can fully degrade the resultant PLA into methyl lactate (Me-La) in the presence of MeOH, which is a rare example of making or breaking polymer for chemical recycling.
Lithium complexes,Ring-opening polymerization,Polyester
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