Outcomes and Survival Analysis of Adult Cervical Deformity Patients with Ten-Year Follow-Up

˜The œSpine journal/˜The œspine journal(2024)

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BACKGROUND: Previous studies have demonstrated that adult cervical deformity patients may be at increased risk of death in conjunction with increased frailty or a weakened physiologic state. However, such studies have often been limited by follow-up duration, and longer-term studies are needed to better assess temporal changes in ACD patients and associated mortality risk. PURPOSE: To assess if patients with decreased comorbidities and physiologic burden will be at lessened risk of death for a greater length of time after undergoing adult cervical deformity surgery. STUDY DESIGN/SETTING: Retrospective review. PATIENT SAMPLE: Two hundred ninety ACD patients. OUTCOME MEASURES: Morbidity and mortality data. METHODS: Operative ACD patients >= 18 years with pre-(BL) and 10-year (10Y) data were included. Patients were stratified as expired versus living, as well as temporally grouped by Expiration prior to 5Y or between 5Y and 10Y. Group differences were assessed via means comparison analysis. Backstep logistic regression identified mortality predictors. Kaplan-Meier analysis assessed survivorship of expired patients. Log rank analysis determined differences in survival distribution groups. RESULTS: Sixty-six total patients were included (60.97 +/- 10.19 years, 48% female, 28.03 +/- 7.28 kg/m(2)). Within 10Y, 12 (18.2% of ACD cohort) expired. At baseline, patients were comparable in age, gender, BMI, and CCI total on average (all p>.05). Furthermore, patients were comparable in BL HRQLs (all p>.05). However, patients who expired between 5Y and 10Y demonstrated higher BL EQ5D and mJOA scores than their earlier expired counterparts at 2Y (p<.021). Furthermore, patients who presented with no CCI markers at BL were significantly more likely to survive until the 5Y-10Y follow-up window. Surgically, the only differences observed between patients who survived until 5Y was in undergoing osteotomy, with longer survival seen in those who did not require it (p=.003). Logistic regression revealed independent predictors of death prior to 5Y to be increased BMI, increased frailty, and increased levels fused (model p<.001). KM analysis found that by Passias et al frailty, not frail patients had mean survival time of 170.56 weeks, versus 158.00 in frail patients (p=.949). CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates that long-term survival after cervical deformity surgery may be predicted by baseline surgical factors. By optimizing BMI, frailty status, and minimizing fusion length when appropriate, surgeons may be able to further assist ACD patients in increasing their survivability postoperatively. (c) 2023 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Adult cervical deformity,Cervical deformity,Morbidity,Mortality,Survivorship
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