Continual atlas-based segmentation of prostate MRI

2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)(2023)

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Continual learning (CL) methods designed for natural image classification often fail to reach basic quality standards for medical image segmentation. Atlas-based segmentation, a well-established approach in medical imaging, incorporates domain knowledge on the region of interest, leading to semantically coherent predictions. This is especially promising for CL, as it allows us to leverage structural information and strike an optimal balance between model rigidity and plasticity over time. When combined with privacy-preserving prototypes, this process offers the advantages of rehearsal-based CL without compromising patient privacy. We propose Atlas Replay, an atlas-based segmentation approach that uses prototypes to generate high-quality segmentation masks through image registration that maintain consistency even as the training distribution changes. We explore how our proposed method performs compared to state-of-the-art CL methods in terms of knowledge transferability across seven publicly available prostate segmentation datasets. Prostate segmentation plays a vital role in diagnosing prostate cancer, however, it poses challenges due to substantial anatomical variations, benign structural differences in older age groups, and fluctuating acquisition parameters. Our results show that Atlas Replay is both robust and generalizes well to yet-unseen domains while being able to maintain knowledge, unlike end-to-end segmentation methods. Our code base is available under
Applications,Biomedical / healthcare / medicine,Algorithms,Machine learning architectures,formulations,and algorithms
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