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Unravelling the Pre-Eruptive Conditions of the Rhyolitic Šumovit Greben Lava Dome from Clinopyroxene-Dominant Glomeroporphyritic Clots


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Detailed analyses of mineral composition and whole-rock geochemical data helped to unravel the volcanic plumbing system beneath the rhyolitic Šumovit Greben lava dome, the westernmost member of the Kožuf-Voras volcanic system (N. Macedonia). It is characterized by high SiO 2 content (> 70 wt%) coupled with low MgO (< 1 wt%) and Sr (< 500 ppm) suggesting fractionation of clinopyroxene and plagioclase at depth forming a crystal mush and a crystal-poor rhyolitic lens by fractional crystallization and melt extraction on top of it. The crystal mush is composed of mainly clinopyroxene, biotite and plagioclase, whereas sanidine and plagioclase are the most abundant phenocrysts of the rhyolitic lens. The main dome forming event occurred at ca. 2.9 Ma, which sampled the crystal-poor rhyolitic lens. After a short quiescence time, an explosive eruption occurred depositing a massive lapilli tuff layer northwest of the lava dome, and an extrusion of a small-volume lava flow on the northern side of the lava dome at ca. 2.8 Ma. This latter sampled also the crystal mush, as it contains abundant glomeroporphyritic clots of clinopyroxene ± plagioclase ± biotite. The clinopyroxene phenocrysts are chemically homogeneous, their crystallization temperature is ca. 900 °C representing the crystal mush, whereas the plagioclase and the sanidine crystallized at a lower temperature (ca. 790 °C) representing the rhyolitic lens. Noble gas isotopic composition of the clinopyroxene indicate no mantle-derived fluids (< 0.5%) having an R/R a of ca. 0.04 R a . The rejuvenation of the system probably occurred due to implementation of mafic magma at depth leading to a heat transfer and partial melting of the cumulate. This led to crystallization of Ba-rich rims of the sanidine and An- and Sr-rich rims of the plagioclase. The crystal mush zone beneath Šumovit Greben might be connected to the nearby, more mafic volcanic centers, and the eruption of Šumovit Greben could have been the start of the last cycle in the lifetime of the Kožuf-Voras volcanic system.
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Rhyolite,Clinopyroxene,Noble gases,Volcanic plumbing system,Sanidine Ar/Ar dating
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