
A NIR Programmable in Vivo Mirna Magnifier for NIR-II Imaging of Early Stage Cancer.

Angewandte Chemie(2023)

引用 7|浏览10
Aberrant expressions of biomolecules occur much earlier than tumor visualized size and morphology change, but their common measurement strategies such as biopsy suffer from invasive sampling process. In vivo imaging of slight biomolecule expression difference is urgently needed for early cancer detection. Fluorescence of rare earth nanoparticles (RENPs) in second near-infrared (NIR-II) region makes them appropriate tool for in vivo imaging. However, the incapacity to couple with signal amplification strategies, especially programmable signal amplification strategies, limited their application in lowly expressed biomarkers imaging. Here we develop a 980/808 nm NIR programmed in vivo microRNAs (miRNAs) magnifier by conjugating activatable DNAzyme walker set to RENPs, which achieves more effective NIR-II imaging of early stage tumor than size monitoring imaging technique. Dye FD1080 (FD1080) modified substrate DNA quenches NIR-II downconversion emission of RENPs under 808 nm excitation. The miRNA recognition region in DNAzyme walker is sealed by a photo-cleavable strand to avoid "false positive" signal in systemic circulation. Upconversion emission of RENPs under 980 nm irradiation activates DNAzyme walker for miRNA recognition and amplifies NIR-II fluorescence recovery of RENPs via DNAzyme catalytic reaction to achieve in vivo miRNA imaging. This strategy demonstrates good application potential in the field of early cancer detection. A 980/808 nm NIR programmed in vivo miRNA magnifier is developed by conjugating an activatable DNAzyme walker set to rare-earth nanoparticles, which detects tumors earlier than size-monitoring techniques. The 980-nm excitation-activated DNA nanomachine for miRNA-21 recognition and signal amplification to suppress "false positive" signals, and imaging in the NIR-II region under 808 nm excitation provided deeper penetration and lower background.+image
DNA Nanomachine,Early Cancer Detection,In Vivo Imaging,Mirna,NIR-II Emission
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