N-Type CdTe:In for Photovoltaics: in Situ Doping, Type Verification and Compensation Effects


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We explored the in-situ doping of cadmium telluride thin films with indium to produce n-type absorbers as an alternative to the near-universal choice of p-type for photovoltaic devices. The films were grown by close space sublimation from melt-synthesised feedstock. Transfer of the indium during film growth was limited to 0.0014%–0.014%—unless reducing conditions were used which yielded 14%–28% efficient transport. While chunks of bulk feedstock were verified as n-type by the hot probe method, carrier type of thin film material was only able to be verified by using hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy to determine the Fermi level position within the band gap. The assignment of n-type conductivity was consistent with the rectification behaviour of a p-InP/CdTe:In junction. However, chloride treatment had the effect of compensating n-CdTe:In to near-intrinsic levels. Without chloride, the highest dopant activation was 20% of the chemical concentration of indium, this being for a film having a carrier concentration of n = 2 × 1015 cm−3. However, the activation was often much lower, and compensation due to over-doping with indium and native defects (stoichiometry) are discussed. Results from preliminary bifacial devices comprising Au/P3HT/ZnTe/CdTe:In/CdS/FTO/glass are presented.
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Thin-Film Solar Cells
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