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Search for inelastic dark matter-nucleus scattering with the PICO-60 CF3I and C3F8 bubble chambers

Physical review(2023)

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PICO bubble chambers have exceptional sensitivity to inelastic dark matter-nucleus interactions due to a combination of their extended nuclear-recoil energy detection window from a few keV to Oo100 keV thorn or more and the use of iodine as a heavy target. Inelastic dark matter-nucleus scattering is interesting for studying the properties of dark matter, where many theoretical scenarios have been developed. This study reports the results of a search for dark matter inelastic scattering with the PICO-60 bubble chambers. The analysis reported here comprises physics runs from PICO-60 bubble chambers using CF3I and C3F8. The CF3I run consisted of 36.8 kg of CF3I reaching an exposure of 3415 kg-day operating at thermodynamic thresholds between 7 and 20 keV. The C3F8 runs consisted of 52 kg of C3F8 reaching exposures of 1404 and 1167 kg-day running at thermodynamic thresholds of 2.45 and 3.29 keV, respectively. The analysis disfavors various scenarios, in a wide region of parameter space, that provide a feasible explanation of the signal observed by the DAMA experiment, assuming an inelastic interaction, considering that the PICO CF3I bubble chamber used iodine as the target material.
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Key words
bubble chambers,matter-nucleus
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