
A Proposed Structure–groundwater Model: Application to Chalky Media of the Paris Basin

Hydrological processes(2007)

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The groundwater flow in a fissured chalky environment at the northern border of the Paris Basin depends on several geological and hydrogeological parameters. Although the studied sector of the basin presents a homogeneous rock type, it is affected by a fracture network. In this type of environment, in which the permeability is low, the groundwater flow displays significant disruption, which is localized in the Fruges region (northern France). The interconnection of the discontinuities (network of fault and/or joints) is reliant on the structural control of groundwater flow through increases in the hydraulic connection between the unsaturated and the saturated zone. The methodology developed herein makes use of microstructural and regional analysis of the fracture patterns, and allowed consideration of the piezometric variations of the chalk aquifer during periods of low and high groundwater levels (April and October 2001) and a diagraphic representation of the estimated physical parameters (electrical resistivity). This enabled us to construct a ‘flow structure’ conceptual model in which we identify two types of faults: tight walls and flow paths that control the piezometric heads and the flow rate. Model validation was carried out on a similar sector. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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