
Production and Evaluation of Gluten-Free Pasta and Pan Bread from Spirulina Algae Powder and Quinoa Flour


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This study was carried out to evaluate semolina flour (SF), wheat flour (WF), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) flour (QF), spirulina algae powder (SAP) and their blends for production of gluten-free pasta and bread suitable for celiac patients. Pasta made of 100% semolina and pan bread made of 100% WF were prepared for comparison with pasta and pan bread from QF and blends with SAP at different levels (5, 10 and 15%). The chemical composition, rheological properties, color attributes, cooking quality, baking quality, sensory properties and texture analysis of the pasta and pan bread were investigated. SAP was added to QF at 5, 10 and 15% levels. The results show that SAP is marked by higher protein (63.65%), fat (6.18%), and ash (12.50%) contents. Thus, raising the mixing level of SAP with QF resulted in an increase in the nutritional value of pasta and pan bread. Moreover, these high-protein products improved basal metabolic rate, preserved body muscle mass, and decreased body fat percentage. Farinograph characteristics demonstrated that water absorption, arrival time, dough development time, and stability grew as the ratio of SAP in QF increased. The addition of SAP to QF in increasing proportions from 5% to 15% decreased the elasticity and proportional number, while the extensibility and energy of the dough increased. Also, addition of SAP to QF at different levels (5 to 15%) decreased all viscoamylograph parameters except for the temperature of transition, which increased. In regard to cooking quality, all the pasta samples prepared by mixing SAP with QF had higher weight, volume, and cooking loss than the control. Additionally, while all samples of pasta and pan bread passed the sensory test, those that contained SAP had greater sensory qualities and nutritional value. These products are suitable for athletes and for patients with celiac disease and obesity.
quinoa,spirulina,pasta,pan bread,cooking quality,baking quality,sensory evaluation,celiac patients,anthropometric parameters
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