Mechanochemical Effect of Alkanolamines on the C4AF: Crystal Structure, Hydration Behavior, and Strength Enhancement


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The mechanochemical effects of synthesized C4A0.588F1.412 (C4AF) interground with 0, 0.1, and 0.3 % of three different alkanolamines (AA) have been studied. The chosen AAs were triisopropanolamine, ethanol diisopropanolamine, and diethanol isopropanolamine. The use of AA modified the crystal structure of C4AF. It leads remarkable variations on the hydration behavior which facilitates the formation of Fe/Al-bearing hydration products including hydrogarnet and AFm phases. As a result, substantial strength enhancement was observed with the increase amount of AA dosage. The strength enhancement was mostly significant in the case of triisopropanolamine which was explained by the more formation of poor crystalline Fe/Al-AFm phases. This is due to the enhanced reactivity of C4AF from the catalytic role of triisopropanolamine during grinding process.
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X-ray diffraction method,Raman spectrum,Alkanolamines,Tetracalcium aluminoferrite,Hydration mechanism,Mechanical properties
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