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Determining UK Government Scope 2 and 3 Computer Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Procedia Computer Science(2023)

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The objective of this research is to determine the potential of scope 3 supply chain emissions generated by end user computers within the United Kingdom government and to test current scope 2 calculation methods to improve annual reporting procedures. The supply chain analysis is accomplished by using existing asset profile data to determine the number of devices owned by computer type combined with manufacturer scope 3 product emissions data averages by type. In this example, 2.2 million computing devices are examined and found to produce emissions in excess of 623.45m kgCO2e. By suggesting devices are retained beyond the current 5-year periods, it is determined to be feasible that this value could be reduced by 37.5%. Additionally, by selecting devices with the lowest carbon footprint in the future when computers require replacement an estimated total reduction of 65% is achievable. The scope 2 emissions calculation compares the current methodology used to generate kWh/y values and concomitant greenhouse gas emissions to results generated by field measurement using the commercial typical energy consumption methodology. The results substantiate that the government is currently over reporting scope 2 emissions values by as much as 697% due to owned but not used devices being included in the calculation and fixed electricity consumption data used by the current methodology being too high when compared to actual use. As such, the findings are presented to the government and included as recommendations in the latest national sustainable information and communications technology strategy document.
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Computer carbon footprint,computer energy efficiency,human-computer interaction
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