
Multiple Factors Contributing to Deterioration of the Mekong Delta: A Review


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Many factors could contribute to deteriorating of the Mekong Delta Region, especially Vietnam a country is located in the downstream of Mekong Delta. Most scientific investigations have addressed the impact of hydroelectric dams, drought, sulfate acidification, salinization, sea level rise, and various adverse effect of their impact on deterioration of Mekong Delta Region. Heretofore, scanty reports have addressed implementing strategies for the remediation and mitigation of these impact factors. Therefore, in this paper, we review the current studies on the impact of the mainstream of hydroelectric dams in the upstream of Mekong River countries has caused a shortage of water supplies for agriculture, people, downstream industry, and especially in the Mekong Delta belongs to Vietnam. Drought in mekong delta and reliant methodology of which the cause of drought focused on objective and subjective causes and methods of assessing drought in Mekong Delta. Sulfate acidification and it’s harmful on mekong delta environment and the impact of sulfate acidification in MeKong Delta. The process of saline intrusion from the sea through the estuary and salt water also following the groundwater causing salinization of the agricultural environment. In addition, sea level rise impact on Mekong Delta, coastal wetlands ecosystem degradation, and given scenarios for the specialist units to propose the response solutions which are actual affairs. This review covers a comprehensive overview of the multi impact factors that contributing to deterioration of the Mekong Delta, and serves as a resource for future research in order to mitigating various adverse effect into sustainable adaptation strategies.
Hydroelectric dams,Mekong Delta Vietnam,Drought,Sulfate acidification,Salinization,Sea level rise
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