Specific Features of Shock Wave Initiation of Detonation in Liquid Explosives

D. Yu. Rapota,A. V. Utkin, V. M. Mochalova, S. I. Torunov,V. A. Sosikov


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Experiments are performed for studying the process of shock wave initiation of detonation in pure tetranitromethane and its mixtures with acetone, nitrobenzene, and methanol. The glowing of the detonation front is detected using streak cameras and frame-by-frame photography. It is found that detonation both in pure tetranitromethane and in its mixtures with dilutants is initiated at localized sites. The number of these sites, the character of their formation, and the features of their growth and merging depend on the nature of dilutants. The evolution of the wave profiles is registered by a multipoint velocity interferometer system for any reflector (VISAR). The resultant velocity profiles are noticeably different from those predicted by the classical pattern of detonation initiation and evolution under a shock wave action.
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tetranitromethane,acetone,nitrobenzene,methanol,detonation,chemical spike,instability,detonation velocity,Chapman–Jouguet parameters
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