Utilizing Contextual Clues and Role Correlations for Enhancing Document-level Event Argument Extraction

Wanlong Liu,Dingyi Zeng,Li Zhou, Yichen Xiao, Weishan Kong, Malu Zhang, Shaohuan Cheng, Hongyang Zhao,Wenyu Chen


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Document-level event argument extraction is a crucial yet challenging task within the field of information extraction. Current mainstream approaches primarily focus on the information interaction between event triggers and their arguments, facing two limitations: insufficient context interaction and the ignorance of event correlations. Here, we introduce a novel framework named CARLG (Contextual Aggregation of clues and Role-based Latent Guidance), comprising two innovative components: the Contextual Clues Aggregation (CCA) and the Role-based Latent Information Guidance (RLIG). The CCA module leverages the attention weights derived from a pre-trained encoder to adaptively assimilates broader contextual information, while the RLIG module aims to capture the semantic correlations among event roles. We then instantiate the CARLG framework into two variants based on two types of current mainstream EAE approaches. Notably, our CARLG framework introduces less than 1 yet significantly improving the performance. Comprehensive experiments across the RAMS, WikiEvents, and MLEE datasets confirm the superiority of CARLG, showing significant superiority in terms of both performance and inference speed compared to major benchmarks. Further analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules.
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