Mercury Content in Impacted Wisdom Teeth from Patients of the Legnica-Glogw Copper Area-An In Vitro Pilot Study


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The aim of this study was to determine the content of mercury in impacted third molars from Legnica-Glogow Copper Area residents to emphasize the effects of environmental pollution on the human body. A group of 72 patients with an average age of 27.3 +/- 6.9 years participated in the study. Within this study, the research group (Legnica-Glogow Copper Area residents) comprised 51 individuals, while the control group (residents of Wroclaw) consisted of 21 participants. A higher number of female individuals participated in the research (55). The amount of mercury present in the samples was determined through atomic absorption spectrometry with the use of a SpectraAA atomic absorption spectrometer and a V2 AA240FS flame attachment that utilized an air-acetylene flame. The accumulation of Hg in the teeth of members of the control group residing in Wroclaw was studied, with a focus on identifying the risk factors that contribute to this phenomenon. The final model analyzed the presence of various factors, including thyroid and parathyroid gland diseases, cardiac diseases, and interval-scale Vit. D3 concentration. Among these factors, the presence of cardiac diseases was deemed statistically significant in relation to an increase in Hg concentration in third molars (rate ratio = 2.27, p < 0.0001). The concentration of mercury increased with the age and time of residence in the L-G Copper District.
mercury,toxic metals,third molars,biomonitoring
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