TwinsMX: Exploring the Genetic and Environmental Influences on Health Traits in the Mexican Population.

Brisa García-Vilchis,Talia V Román-López,Diego Ramírez-González, Xanat J López-Camaño, Vanessa Murillo-Lechuga, Xóchitl Díaz-Téllez, C Itzamná Sánchez-Moncada,Ian M Espinosa-Méndez, Diego Zenteno-Morales, Zaida X Espinosa-Valdes, Sofia Pradel-Jiménez, Andrea Tapia-Atilano, Ana V Zanabria-Pérez, Federica Livas-Gangas,Oscar Aldana-Assad,Ulises Caballero-Sánchez, César A Dominguez-Frausto, Miguel E Rentería,Alejandra Medina-Rivera,Sarael Alcauter,Alejandra E Ruiz-Contreras

Twin research and human genetics : the official journal of the International Society for Twin Studies(2024)

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TwinsMX registry is a national research initiative in Mexico that aims to understand the complex interplay between genetics and environment in shaping physical and mental health traits among the country's population. With a multidisciplinary approach, TwinsMX aims to advance our knowledge of the genetic and environmental mechanisms underlying ethnic variations in complex traits and diseases, including behavioral, psychometric, anthropometric, metabolic, cardiovascular and mental disorders. With information gathered from over 2800 twins, this article updates the prevalence of several complex traits; and describes the advances and novel ideas we have implemented such as magnetic resonance imaging. The future expansion of the TwinsMX registry will enhance our comprehension of the intricate interplay between genetics and environment in shaping health and disease in the Mexican population. Overall, this report describes the progress in the building of a solid database that will allow the study of complex traits in the Mexican population, valuable not only for our consortium, but also for the worldwide scientific community, by providing new insights of understudied genetically admixed populations.
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