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Comparative Evaluation of Putty Index and Custom Template for Direct Composite Restoration of Uncomplicated Crown Fractures in Permanent Anterior Teeth.


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OBJECTIVES:The aim of this study was to compare and evaluate Putty Index and Custom Template Technique for Direct Composite restoration of uncomplicated crown fractures in permanent anterior teeth.MATERIAL AND METHODS:A total of 100 teeth were randomly allocated to the respective groups, n=49 in Group I and n=51 in Group II. Composite build up using Putty Index technique in Group I and vacuum formed Custom Template in Group II was done followed by finishing and polishing of the restoration. The restorations were scored using Modified USPHS criteria by two blinded and calibrated evaluators at baseline, 6 months and 12 months followed by Spectrophotometric evaluation. The clinical chair side time was recorded using digital clock.RESULTS:No statistically significant difference was seen between ITT and PP analysis among the two groups at 6 months and 12 months follow-up. Mean time chair side time taken for Group I was 20 minutes and for 24.4 minutes for Group II which was statistically significant (P=0.00). No statistically significant change was seen in the colour of the restoration at 6 months (P=0.45) and 12 months (P=1.00) using spectrophotometer.CONCLUSION:Custom Template technique and Putty Index technique showed no statistically significant difference in terms of clinical evaluation at baseline, 6 months and 12 months except for postoperative sensitivity.
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Key words
Enamel fracture,enamel and dentine fracture,putty index,custom template,composite
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