Computational Drug Prediction in Hepatoblastoma by Integrating Pan-Cancer Transcriptomics with Pharmacological Response.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Hepatoblastoma (HB) is the predominant form of pediatric liver cancer, though it remains exceptionally rare. While treatment outcomes for children with HB have improved, patients with advanced tumors face limited therapeutic choices. Additionally, survivors often suffer from long-term adverse effects due to treatment, including ototoxicity, cardiotoxicity, delayed growth, and secondary tumors. Consequently, there is a pressing need to identify new and effective therapeutic strategies for patients with HB. Computational methods to predict drug sensitivity from a tumor's transcriptome have been successfully applied for some common adult malignancies, but specific efforts in pediatric cancers are lacking because of the paucity of data.APPROACH AND RESULTS:In this study, we used DrugSense to assess drug efficacy in patients with HB, particularly those with the aggressive C2 subtype associated with poor clinical outcomes. Our method relied on publicly available collections of pan-cancer transcriptional profiles and drug responses across 36 tumor types and 495 compounds. The drugs predicted to be most effective were experimentally validated using patient-derived xenograft models of HB grown in vitro and in vivo. We thus identified 2 cyclin-dependent kinase 9 inhibitors, alvocidib and dinaciclib as potent HB growth inhibitors for the high-risk C2 molecular subtype. We also found that in a cohort of 46 patients with HB, high cyclin-dependent kinase 9 tumor expression was significantly associated with poor prognosis.CONCLUSIONS:Our work proves the usefulness of computational methods trained on pan-cancer data sets to reposition drugs in rare pediatric cancers such as HB, and to help clinicians in choosing the best treatment options for their patients.
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