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Centrins Control Chicken Cone Cell Lipid Droplet Dynamics Through Lipid-Droplet-localized SPDL1.

Developmental cell(2023)

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As evolutionarily conserved organelles, lipid droplets (LDs) carry out numerous functions and have various subcellular localizations in different cell types and species. In avian cone cells, there is a single apically localized LD. We demonstrated that CIDEA (cell death inducing DFFA like effector a) and microtubules promote the formation of the single LD in chicken cone cells. Centrins, which are well-known centriole proteins, target to the cone cell LD via their C-terminal calcium-binding domains. Centrins localize on cone cell LDs with the help of SPDL1-L (spindle apparatus coiled-coil protein 1-L), a previously uncharacterized isoform of the kinetochore-associated dynein adaptor SPDL1. The loss of CETN3 or overexpression of a truncated CETN1 abrogates the apical localization of the cone cell LD. Simulation analysis showed that multiple LDs or a single mispositioned LD reduces the light sensitivity. Collectively, our findings identify a role of centrins in the regulation of cone cell LD localization, which is important for the light sensitivity of cone cells.
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