
Semantic Integrity Measurement of Industrial Control Embedded Devices Based on National Secret Algorithm

2023 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC Workshops)(2023)

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In the age of 6G and AI, industrial control embedded devices can understand and follow instructions automatically. The key is to properly understand the meaning of tasks rather than just focusing on tiny details. Semantic communication will be widely used in industries. These industrial control embedded devices are crucial for controlling and monitoring industrial processes and any tampering with them could lead to disastrous consequences. Thus, it becomes increasingly important to protect the integrity of these devices semantically. However, existing research in this field either focuses on specific devices or fails to utilize national secret algorithms. To address this issue, we propose an algorithm to measure the semantic integrity of key files that are essential for system startup and control programs based on national secret algorithms. The proposed algorithm uses a unique encryption method to protect key files from unauthorized access and tampering. To validate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed algorithm, extensive tests were conducted. The test results show that the proposed algorithm is fast and efficient, making it suitable for measuring the integrity of industrial control devices. The development of this algorithm is a significant step towards securing industrial control devices.
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