
Geographical, Climatic, and Soil Factors Control the Altitudinal Pattern of Rhizosphere Microbial Diversity and Its Driving Effect on Root Zone Soil Multifunctionality in Mountain Ecosystems.

Science of the total environment(2023)

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Shifts in rhizosphere soil microorganisms of dominant plants' response to climate change profoundly impact mountain soil ecosystem multifunctionality; relatively little is known about the relationship between them and how they depend on long-term environmental drivers. Here, we conducted analyses of rhizosphere microbial altitudinal pattern, community assembly, and co-occurrence network of 6 dominant plants in six typical vegetation zones ranging from 1350 to 2900 m (a.s.l.) in Helan Mountains by absolute quantitative sequencing technology, and finally related the microbiomes to root zone soil multifunctionality ('soil multifunctionality' hereafter), the environmental dependence of the relationship was explored. It was found that the altitudinal pattern of rhizosphere soil bacterial and fungal diversities differed significantly. Higher co-occurrence and more potential interactions of Stipa breviflora and Carex coninux were found at the lowest and highest altitudes. Bacterial alpha diversity, the identity of some dominant bacterial and fungal taxa, had significant positive or negative effects on soil multifunctionality. The effect sizes of positive effects of microbial diversity on soil multifunctionality were greater than those of negative effects. These results indicated that the balance of positive and negative effects of microbes determines the impact of microbial diversity on soil multifunctionality. As the number of microbes at the phylum level increases, there will be a net gain in soil multifunctionality. Our study reveals that geographical and climatic factors can directly or modulate the effects of soil properties on rhizosphere microbial diversity, thereby affecting the driving effect of microbial diversity on soil multifunctionality, and points to the rhizosphere bacterial diversity rather than the fungi being strongly associated with soil multifunctionality. This work has important ecological implications for predicting how multiple environment-plantsoil-microorganisms interactions in mountain ecosystems will respond to future climate change.
Rhizosphere soil microorganisms,Root zone soil multifunctionality,Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning,relationships,Absolute quantification sequencing,Mountain ecosystem,Climate change
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