
Effects of Dietary Fat, Nitrate, and 3-Nitrooxypropanol and Their Combinations on Methane Emission, Feed Intake, and Milk Production in Dairy Cows.

Journal of dairy science(2024)

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The objective of the present study was to investigate the effect of individual and combined use of dietary fat, nitrate, and 3-nitrooxypropanol (3-NOP) on dairy cows' enteric methane (CH4) emission and production performance. Twenty-four primiparous and 24 multiparous Danish Holstein cows (111 ± 44.6 d in milk; mean ± standard deviation) were included in an incomplete 8 × 8 Latin square design with six 21-d periods. Dietary treatments were organized in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement aiming for 2 levels of FAT (30 or 63 g of crude fat/kg of dry matter [DM]; LF or HF, respectively), 2 levels of NITRATE (0 or 10 g of nitrate/kg of DM; UREA or NIT, respectively), and 2 levels of 3-NOP (0 or 80 mg/kg DM; BLANK or NOP, respectively). Treatments were included in ad libitum-fed partial mixed rations in bins that automatically measured feed intake and eating behavior. Additional concentrate was offered as bait in GreenFeed units used for measurement of gas emission. For total DM intake (DMI), a FAT × NITRATE interaction showed that DMI, across parities and levels of 3-NOP, was unaffected by separate fat supplementation, but reduced by nitrate with 4.6% and synergistically decreased (significant 2-way interaction) with 13.0% when fat and nitrate were combined. Additionally, 3-NOP decreased DMI by 13.4% and the combination of 3-NOP with fat and nitrate decreased DMI in an additive way (no significant 3-way interaction). The decreasing effects on DMI were more pronounced in multiparous cows than in primiparous cows. For treatments with largest reductions in DMI, eating behavior was altered toward more frequent, but smaller meals, a slower eating rate and increased attempts to visit unassigned feed bins. Energy-corrected milk (ECM) yield increased by 6.3% with fat supplementation, whereas ECM yield did not differ among diets including nitrate (FAT × NITRATE interaction). Cows supplemented with 3-NOP had 9.0% lower ECM yield than cows fed no 3-NOP. Based on three 2-way interactions including FAT, NITRATE, and 3-NOP, the combined use of the additives resulted in antagonistic effects on CH4 reduction. A 6% to 7% reduction in CH4 yield (CH4/kg of DMI) could be ascribed to the effect of fat, a 12% to 13% reduction could be ascribed to the effect of nitrate and an 18% to 23% reduction could be ascribed to the effect of 3-NOP. Hence, no combinations of additives resulted in CH4 yield-reductions that were greater than what was obtained by separate supplementation of the most potent additive within the combination. The CH4 yield reduction potential of additives was similar between parities. Increased apparent total-tract digestibility of organic matter (OM) in cows fed combinations including nitrate or 3-NOP was a result of a NITRATE × 3-NOP interaction. Apparent total-tract digestibility of OM was also increased by fat supplementation. These increases reflected observed decreases in DMI. In conclusion, combined use of fat, nitrate, and 3-NOP in all combinations did not result in CH4 reductions that were greater than separate supplementation of the most potent additive within the combination (3-NOP > nitrate > fat). Additionally, separate supplementation of some additives and combined use of all additives reduced DMI.
feed additive,eating behavior,combined effect,3-NOP,methanogen inhibitor
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