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Luxury-focused Carbon Taxation Improves Fairness of Climate Policy

One Earth(2023)

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Equitable climate policies are required for a just and rapid energy transition. A widely discussed climate pol-icy instrument is carbon taxes. Previous studies of the distributional implications of carbon taxation focused on uniform carbon taxes across sectors. Differentiated tax rates across goods and services received less attention. Here we model an alternative carbon tax design accounting for the distribution of household con-sumption and carbon footprints across 88 countries covering the global north and south. The policy distin-guishes luxury and basic consumption and sets higher carbon prices for luxury. The policy reduces yearly global household emissions by 6% compared with no policy and inequalities are reduced compared with no policy and compared with a uniform carbon tax. By 2050, the policy saves around 100 gigatonnes carbon dioxide equivalents, which is 75% of what is needed for households to remain within a 2 & DEG; consistent climate pathway.
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carbon taxes,differentiated carbon pricing,carbon footprints,luxury consumption,luxury tax,inequality,equitable climate policy
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