High-K three-quasiparticle isomers in the proton-rich nucleus 129Nd

C. M. Petrache, J. Uusitalo, A. D. Briscoe, C. M. Sullivan,D. T. Joss, H. Tann, O. Aktas, B. Alayed, M. A. M. Al-Aqeel, A. Astier, H. Badran, B. Cederwall,C. Delafosse,A. Ertoprak, Z. Favier, U. Forsberg, W. Gins,T. Grahn,P. T. Greenlees, X. T. He, J. Heery, J. Hilton, S. Kalantan,R. Li, P. M. Jodidar, R. Julin, S. Juutinen, M. Leino, M. C. Lewis,J. G. Li, Z. P. Li, M. Luoma,B. F. Lv, A. McCarter, S. Nathaniel, J. Ojala,R. D. Page, J. Pakarinen, P. Papadakis, E. Parr, J. Partanen,E. S. Paul, P. Rahkila, P. Ruotsalainen,M. Sandzelius, J. Saren, J. Smallcombe, J. Sorri, S. Szwec,L. J. Wang,Y. Wang, L. Waring, F. R. Xu, J. Zhang, Z. H. Zhang, K. K. Zheng,G. Zimba


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Three three-quasiparticle isomers, one at an excitation energy of 2.3 MeV with T1/2 = 0.48(4) & mu;s, and two shorter-lived with unknown half-lives at slightly lower energies have been identified in 129Nd using the MARA + JUROGAM 3 setup and the recoil tagging technique. All three isomers present decay patterns characteristic of high -K isomers. The known 6.7 s ?-decaying isomer previously assigned to the 5/2+ level is now assigned to the new 7/2- ground state. A new low-spin 5/2+ isomeric state with a half-life of a few tens of nanoseconds has been identified, while a previously known 2.6 s ?-decay activity was assigned to the band head of the ?1/2+[411] band. The transitions depopulating the high -K isomers to low-lying states also establish the relative energies of three low-lying one-quasiparticle bands, leading to a new spin-parity assignment of 7/2- to the ground state of 129Nd. The partial half-lives of the depopulating transitions suggest spin-parities 21/2+, 19/2+, and 17/2+ for the three high -K isomers. The properties of the band built on the 21/2+ isomeric state suggest a one neutron-two proton configuration. Based on the results of extensive calculations with different models, we also assign one neutron-two proton configurations to the 19/2+ and 17/2+ isomeric states. The assigned configurations of the 17/2+ and 21/2+ isomeric states involve the ?9/2+[404] orbital, which is identified in three-quasiparticle bands of proton-rich A ti 130 nuclei.
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