
Monazite and Xenotime Petrochronologic Constraints on Four Proterozoic Tectonic Episodes and Ca. 1705 Ma Age of the Uncompahgre Formation, Southwestern Colorado, USA


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The Proterozoic tectonic evolution of the southto limited constraints on the timing and conditions of the tectono- metamorphic phases and depositional age of metasedimentary successions. We integrated multi- scale compositional mapping, petrologic modeling, and in situ geochronology to constrain pressure- temperature- time paths from samples of Paleoproterozoic basement gneisses and overlying quartzites in southwestern Colorado, USA. Basement gneiss from the western Needle Mountains records metamorphic conditions of 600 & DEG;C at 0.75 GPa at 1764 & PLUSMN; 9 Ma and similar to 575 & DEG;C at 1741 & PLUSMN; 10 Ma. Gneiss samrecords conditions of 700 & DEG;C at 1748 & PLUSMN; 9 Ma, 800 & DEG;C at 1.1 GPa at 1650 & PLUSMN; 40 Ma, 540 & DEG;C at 1570 & PLUSMN; 36 Ma, and 440 & DEG;C at 1424 & PLUSMN; 12 Ma. The Uncompahgre Formation was deposited at ca. 1705 Ma, as constrained by detrital monazite (1707 & PLUSMN; 8 Ma) and xenotime (1692 & PLUSMN; 40, 1725 & PLUSMN; 50 Ma), metamorphic xenotime (1650 & PLUSMN; 10 Ma), and published 40Ar/39Ar and detrital zircon data. Compositions of ca. 1705 Ma detrital monazite and xenotime are consistent with derivation from a garnet- bearing source in the Yavapai orogenic hinterland. The Vallecito Conglomerate and Uncompahgre Formation record macroscopic folding and greenschist- facies metamorphism at 1650 & PLUSMN; 10 Ma and temperatures of 270 & DEG;C to >570 & DEG;C at 1470- 1400 Ma. Laser ablation- inductively coupled plasma- mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) zircon geo-chronology yielded dates of 1775 & PLUSMN; 18 Ma from the Twilight Gneiss and 1696 & PLUSMN; 7 Ma from the Bakers Bridge Granite, supporting previous isotope dilution- thermal ionization mass spectrometry (ID-TIMS) dates. The Eolus Granite yielded a date of 1463 & PLUSMN; 6 Ma, which is older than previous 1.44- 1.43 Ga ID-TIMS dates. The newly dated granite of Cataract Gulch is 1421 & PLUSMN; 12 Ma. In situ analysis of detrital and meta-morphic monazite and xenotime, igneous zircon, and quantitative thermobarometry, integrated with previously published constraints, indicate multiple tectonic episodes after the emplacement of 1800- 1760 Ma arc- related rocks. The region experienced greenschist-to amphibolite-facies metamorphism (M1) from 1760 Ma to 1740 Ma, which was followed by the intrusion of granites at 1730- 1695 Ma and deposition of the Uncompahgre Formation at ca. 1705 Ma, contemporaneous with the Yavapai orogeny. Metamorphism at 1680- 1600 Ma was characterized by greenschist- facies conditions near Ouray, Colorado, and granulite-facies conditions near Pagosa Springs (M2) during the Mazatzal orogeny. From 1470 Ma to 1400 Ma, greenschist-to amphibolite-facies meta-morphism (M3) and largely granitic plutonism occurred during the protracted Picuris orogeny. These results demonstrate the power of monazite and xenotime analyses to constrain depositional ages, provenance, and pressure-temperature-time (P-T-t) paths to resolve the compound orogenic history that is characteristic of most mountain belts.
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