Hydrochemistry, Elements Distribution and Their Potential Recoveries in Gold Metallurgical Treatment Tailings Dams


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Wastewaters are valuable sources of metals and metalloids and can serve as essential resources for their recovery. Characterizing and understanding the occurrence of metals and other compounds, along with identifying the most effective recovery methods, are key steps in unlocking the potential for reusing these resources. The present study focused on analyzing waters from various mining dams in the Iron Quadrangle (IQ) region of Brazil, which contained metals such as Au, Cu, Ni, Zn, and sulfates resulting from the metallurgical treatment of Au. The results revealed a range of metal concentrations in the neutral zone in three tailings. Additionally, a 3D map was created, and a statistical analysis and an exploration of the processes governing mobility and partitioning were conducted to assess the potential for reuse. Notably, the study identified a high potential for Au recovery, particularly through the utilization of sustainable and cost-effective methods such as nanofibers with biosorbents. Overall, this research contributes to the understanding and exploration of potential reuse procedures for strategic metals in various industrial applications.
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hydrochemistry,tailings,gold,elements distribution
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