
Promotion methods, social learning and environmentally friendly agricultural technology diffusion: A dynamic perspective

Yang Gao, Qiannan Wang,Chen Chen,Liqun Wang,Ziheng Niu, Xue Yao,Haoran Yang, Jinlong Kang


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Encouraging farmers to adopt environmentally friendly technology through the rational use of social learning and agricultural technology extension is an effective way to overcome the bottleneck caused by the slow diffusion of environmentally friendly technology. Based on expanding the existing objects of research on farmers' technology adoption behavior, this paper examines the influence of social learning and agricultural technology extension on farmers' environmentally friendly technology adoption behavior from a dynamic perspective. In doing so, it enriches theoretical and empirical research on farmers' technology adoption behavior. Specifically, this paper takes fertigation technology as an example, constructs a dynamic analysis framework that is independent of the case study, and finds that social learning and agricultural technology extension, as the main channels for farmers to obtain technical information, can shorten the duration from awareness to the adoption of fertigation technology. Then, based on survey data, this paper uses the discrete-time cloglog model to conduct an empirical test. The empirical analysis supports the theoretical analysis results, and there is a complementary effect between social learning and traditional and new agricultural technology extension. Heterogeneity analysis shows that social learning and new agricultural technology extension have a greater marginal improvement effect on farmers' fertigation technology adoption behavior in the middle-aged to young group, middle and high education degree group and above median land scale group. This paper provides not only new empirical evidence to explain farmers' technology adoption behavior under the background of the internet revolution but also a decision-making reference for how to accelerate the construction of multivariate complementary, collaborative and efficient agricultural socialized service systems.
Environmentally friendly technology,New extension pattern of agricultural technology,Social learning,Fertigation technology,Duration analysis
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