Implementation of Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy on a Sheared-Flow-stabilized Z Pinch

Review of scientific instruments online/Review of scientific instruments(2023)

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A diagnostic for extreme ultraviolet spectroscopy was fielded on the sheared-flow-stabilized (SFS) fusion Z-pinch experiment (FuZE-Q) for the first time. The spectrometer collected time-gated plasma emission spectra in the 5–40 nm wavelength (30–250 eV) range for impurity identification, radiative power studies, and for plasma temperature and density measurements. The unique implementation of the diagnostic included fast (10 ns risetime) pulsed high voltage electronics and a multi-stage differential pumping system that allowed the vacuum-coupled spectrometer to collect three independently timed spectra per FuZE-Q shot while also protecting sensitive internal components. Analysis of line emission identifies oxygen (N-, C-, B-, Be-, Li-, and He-like O), peaking in intensity shortly after maximum current (>500 kA). This work provides a foundation for future high energy spectroscopy experiments on SFS Z-pinch devices.
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Extreme Ultraviolet,Density Measurements,Analysis Of Emissions
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