Retrospectiv study regarding the epidemiological aspects of covid-19 infection in moldavia, romania


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The aim of this study is to carry out an epidemiological retrospective of COVID-19 with individualization of the peculiarities of manifestation on the territory of Moldova, the evolutionary peculiarities being in full agreement with the general status of the patient up to that moment. 779 patients with COVID-19, hospitalized between September 2020 and April 2021, 386 men (49.6%) and 393 women (50.4%), aged between 7 and 93 years, were investigated; the mean age of the patients was 52.26 & PLUSMN; 15.844 years, with no significant differences between men (52.26 & PLUSMN; 15.830 years) and women (52.26 & PLUSMN; 15.878 years). More than half of the patients (59.6%) are aged between 30-59 years; 8.3% are young people under 30 years old, and about a third (32.1%) are elderly, over 60 years old (table 1) - without statistically significant differences between the sexes ( Pearson Chi -squared = 3.102, p = 0.875 ). There are certain correlations between the symptoms noticed in patients, their comorbidities and the appearance of lung changes on CT, respectively febrile or afebrile evolution. Among the characteristic symptoms of COVID-19, patients with comorbidities present more frequently cough, physical asthenia, inappetence and other than chest pain compared to those without comorbidities.
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Key words
COVID-19,epidemiological retrospective,comorbidities
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