Massive Optically Dark Galaxies Unveiled by JWST Challenge Galaxy Formation Models

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Over the past decade, the existence of a substantial population of optically invisible, massive galaxies at $z\gtrsim3$ has been implied from mid-infrared to millimeter observations. With the unprecedented sensitivity of the JWST, such extremely massive galaxy candidates have immediately been identified even at $z>7$, in much larger numbers than expected. These discoveries raised a hot debate. If confirmed, early, high-mass galaxies challenge the current models of galaxy formation. However, the lack of spectroscopic confirmations leads to uncertain stellar mass ($M_{\star}$) estimates, and the possible presence of active galactic nuclei (AGN) adds further uncertainty. Here, we present the first sample of 36 dust-obscured galaxies with robust spectroscopic redshifts at $z_{\rm spec}=5-9$ from the JWST FRESCO survey. The three most extreme sources at $z\sim5-6$ ($\sim$1 billion years after the Big Bang) are so massive (log$M_{\star}/M_{\odot}$ $\gtrsim11.0$) that they would require, on average, about 50% of the baryons in their halos to be converted into stars -- two to three times higher than even the most efficient galaxies at later times. The extended emission of these galaxies suggests limited contribution by AGN. This population of ultra-massive galaxies accounts for 20% of the total cosmic star formation rate density at $z\sim5-6$, suggesting a substantial proportion of extremely efficient star formation in the early Universe.
massive optically dark galaxies,jwst challenge galaxy
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