
Effect of Fruiting-Related Genes on the Formation of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Mushroom Schizophyllum Commune

Mycological progress(2023)

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In fungi, little is known about connections between volatile organic compound (VOC) formation and developmental stages that are amongst others triggered by fruiting-related genes (FRGs). We analysed the volatilomes of Schizophyllum commune during different developmental stages in a variety of FRG-deletion strains and wild-type strains. The deletion strains Δ tea1 Δ tea1 , Δ wc-2 Δ wc-2 and Δ hom2 Δ hom2 were unable to develop fruiting bodies, and Δ fst4 Δ fst4 formed only rudimentary fruiting body structures. Early developmental stages of these strains were dominated by esters, including methyl 2-methylbutanoate, ethyl 2-methylbutanoate, isobutyl 2-methylpropionate, and 2-methylbutyl acetate, of which the last three were not found in the headspace (HS) of the wild-type samples. Compared to the wild type, in the HS of hom2 con samples, that are able to form fruiting bodies, methyl 2-methylbutanoate was the most abundant substance at early stages (68–81% of the total peak area). In contrast to fruiting body forming strains, Δ tea1 Δ tea1 , Δ wc-2 Δ wc-2 , Δ hom2 Δ hom2 and Δ fst4 Δ fst4 showed less sesquiterpenes in the HS. However, the sesquiterpenes found in the HS of FRG-deletion strains, namely, ( E )-nerolidol, δ-cadinene, L-calamenene, α-bisabolol and β-bisabolene, were not present in hom2 con or wild-type strains that mainly formed fruiting bodies and barely mycelium. Several sesquiterpenes, including α-guaiene, chamigrene and γ-gurjunene, were only found in presence of fruiting bodies. Our results show remarkable connections between FRGs, fruiting body development and VOC production in S. commune , especially counting for sesquiterpenes. Future studies are needed to reveal whether FRGs directly regulates VOC formation or indirectly by changing the phenotype.
VOCs,Fungi,Development,Deletion mutant,Sesquiterpene,Oxylipin
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