Exploitation of Engineered Light-Switchable Myosin XI for Nanotechnological Applications.

ACS nano(2023)

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For certain nanotechnological applications of the contractile proteins actin and myosin, e.g., in biosensing and network-based biocomputation, it would be desirable to temporarily switch on/off motile function in parts of nanostructured devices, e.g., for sorting or programming. Myosin XI motor constructs, engineered with a light-switchable domain for switching actin motility between high and low velocities (light-sensitive motors (LSMs) below), are promising in this regard. However, they were not designed for use in nanotechnology, where longevity of operation, long shelf life, and selectivity of function in specific regions of a nanofabricated network are important. Here, we tested if these criteria can be fulfilled using existing LSM constructs or if additional developments will be required. We demonstrated extended shelf life as well as longevity of the actin-propelling function compared to those in previous studies. We also evaluated several approaches for selective immobilization with a maintained actin propelling function in dedicated nanochannels only. Whereas selectivity was feasible using certain nanopatterning combinations, the reproducibility was not satisfactory. In summary, the study demonstrates the feasibility of using engineered light-controlled myosin XI motors for myosin-driven actin transport in nanotechnological applications. Before use for, e.g., sorting or programming, additional work is however needed to achieve reproducibility of the nanofabrication and, further, optimize the motor properties.
engineered myosin XI,actin,light-switchablemotor,nanofabrication,surface chemistry,spatiotemporal motility control
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