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From the Phase-0 DAQ Upgrade of Entire ATLAS Pixel Detector Towards the Phase-2 Electronics Upgrade

Andrea Gabrielli, Fabrizio Alfonsi, G. Balbi, Gabriele d'Amen, Giuseppe Gebbia, Nico Giangiacomi

Nuclear instruments and methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment/Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment(2019)

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The ATLAS Experiment has upgraded some off-detector readout chains during the 2013–2015 LHC shut down and an additional barrel layer has been inserted as part of the Pixel Detector: the Insertable B-Layer (IBL). The Layers 2 and 1 of the ATLAS Pixel Detector have also been upgraded, using the same Back Of Crate (BOC) and ReadOut-Driver (ROD) cards designed for IBL, while maintaining the front-end sensors unchanged. The same IBL BOC and ROD card configuration has been used for the upgrade of the B-Layer and Disks. The entire upgrade of the ATLAS Pixel Detector readout is now finished, after the technical stop in 2018. In parallel with the commissioning of the above Phase-0 upgrade of the current ATLAS Pixel Detector we have designed and fabricated a new readout electronic board, PCIe based, to address the requirements of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Phase-2 upgrade. This new board features many of the input–output interfaces to address the requirements of the front-end electronics being developed for the future upgrade, in particular to interface with the future pixel detectors and with FELIX readout cards. Preliminary results and tests are presented here.
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