
Tissue-specific Expression Pattern of Estrogen Receptors (ER): Quantification of ERalpha and ERbeta Mrna with Real-Time RT-PCRNote

APMIS Acta pathologica, microbiologica et immunologica Scandinavica/APMIS(2001)

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We have examined the tissue-specific mRNA expression of ER alpha and ER beta in various bovine tissues using real-time RT-PCR. The goal of this study was to evaluate the deviating tissue sensitivities and the influence of the estrogenic active preparation RALGRO on the tissue-specific expression and regulation of both ER subtypes. RALGRO contains Zeranol (alpha-Zearalanol), a derivative of the mycotoxin Zearalenon, shows strong estrogenic and anabolic effects, and exhibits all symptoms of hyperestrogenism, in particular reproductive and developmental disorders. Eight heifers were treated over 8 weeks with multiple-dose implantations (0x, 1x, 3x, 10x) of Zeranol. Plasma Zeranol concentration, measured by enzyme immunoassay, of multiple treated heifers was elevated. To quantify ER alpha and ER beta transcripts also in low-abundant tissues, sensitive and reliable real-time RT-PCR quantification methods were developed and validated on the LightCycler. Expression results indicate the existence of both ER subtypes in all 15 investigated tissues. All tissues exhibited a specific ER alpha and ER beta expression pattern and regulation. With increasing Zeranol concentrations, a significant downregulation of ER alpha mRNA expression could be observed in jejunum (p<0.001) and kidney medulla (p<0.05). These data support the hypothesis that ER beta may have different biological functions than ER alpha, especially in kidney and jejunum.
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