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Cypermethrin Affects the Filtration Rate Ability and Oxidative Status of the Freshwater Mussel Unio Gibbus

Annals of ecology and environmental science(2023)

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This study aimed to investigate the harmful effects of insecticide Cypermethrin (CYP) on the filtration rate capacity and oxidative status and neurotoxicity of the freshwater mussel, Unio gibbus.The experiment was conducted in a laboratory setting using two CYP concentrations (C1 = 100 μg/L and C2 = 150 μg/L) over a 2-days period.Samples of the mussel's gills and digestive gland were taken after exposure.The levels of antioxidants (SOD, CAT), H 2 O 2 , and damage markers (MDA) were measured, along with the activity of the neurotoxicity enzyme, AChE.The results showed that CYP increased lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme levels in the gills and digestive gland.The effects of different CYP concentrations on filtration rate of this mussel were determined in laboratory experiments by measuring the neutral red retention after 2, 4, and 72 hours of exposure.The results show that Cypermethrin impaired the valve activity in a concentration-dependent manner, leading to a reduction in the time of normal opening
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