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Report 30: the COVID-19 Epidemic Trends and Control Measures in Mainland China


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From the Introduction: The Imperial College London COVID-19 [coronavirus disease 2019] Response Team initiated activities of data collation in mid-January, to understand the COVID-19 epidemic in China and its potential impact on other countries The Imperial Team, together with volunteers, made considerable efforts to collate aggregated data as well as individual patient information from publicly available, national and local situation reports published by health authorities in China Part of these collated data have been used to inform transmission dynamics and epidemiology of COIVD-19 in several studies of the Team, including disease severity and fatality, phylodynamics in Shandong, and the association between inner-city movement and transmission We additionally reviewed control measures, school reopening, and work resumption that may relate to the trends across provinces in China [ ] In this report, we publish the collated data and conduct a descriptive analysis of the subnational epidemic trends and interventions Drawing on epidemic progression and response measures in Chinese provinces affected by COVID-19 early on may provide insights for policy planning in other countries COVID-19 (Disease);Epidemiology;Public health
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