
Impact of Heat Stress on Physiological and Yield Components under Varied Temperature Regimes in Groundnut Cultivars

Journal of pharmacognosy and phytochemistry(2020)

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Heat stress is one of the major abiotic stress plants experiencing now a day due to the changing climate. There may be a natural or manmade reason behind this but its impact on living organisms is vicious. The primarily important sector, Agriculture is the highly affected sector among all. Especially the noticeable reduction in quantity as well as quality of production was reported in different crop species. Groundnut is one of the most popular oilseed crop grown in India which faces various temperature regimes and heat stress during its life cycle. Therefore to know the impact of heat stress on physiological and yield components under various temperature regimes in groundnut a field experiment was conducted at MARS, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during 2016-17. The experiment consisted of three dates of sowing (D1, D2, and D3) and five groundnut genotypes (Dh-86, G-2-52, Kadiri-9, TMV-2 and R-2001-2) laid out with factorial RBD design. Among the dates of sowing, almost all the genotypes performed better under D1 temperature regime than D2 and D3 temperature regimes. All the yield components like; test weight, harvest index, oil and protein content recorded significantly higher value under D1 temperature regime whereas among the genotypes Dh-86 and G-2-52 recorded significantly higher values regarding yield components, thus considered as tolerant varieties.
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