
A Case of Multiple Recurred Mucinous Eccrine Carcinoma

Archives of plastic surgery(2011)

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Purpose: Mucinous eccrine carcinoma of the skin is rare skin adnexal malignant tumor, which most commonly occurs in the head and neck regions. This tumor, although rarely metastatic, has a high incidence of local recurrence. We report a case of mucinous eccrine carcinoma developed on the Lt. cheek which was treated by Mohs surgery. Methods: The patient was a 53-year-old man who showed a palpable skin-colored sized mass on Lt. cheek. We treated it by wide excision, but it recurred several times on the same region. So we finally did the Mohs surgery and full thickness skin graft. Results: The histologic characteristics are large mucinous pools with fibrous septae and clusters of tumor cells. Special stains showed that the mucin was positive reactivity on Periodic acid Schiff. Also the immunocytochemical studies showed a positive reactivity to carcinoembryonic antigen, S-100 protein, cytokeratin-7. Therefore pathologist reported it as a mucinous eccrine carcinoma. Conclusion: Authors experienced a rare case of primary mucinous eccrine carcinoma on Lt. cheek which had recurred several times. Because of the high local recurrence rate, we did the Mohs surgery and got an good result. Therefore the early Mohs surgery would be a good choice to primary mucinous eccrine carcinoma.
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