
SMS and PDU Integration on a Browser-based Sales and Inventory Management System

Earl Jason B. Abellana,John Egon R. Asuncion, Lidel Kim B. Daddie, Jan Roland A. Delmo, Jesamie D. Tiongco

International Conference on Cloud Computing(2013)

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Every company encounters a lot of problems in terms with their business processes. Rodsy company, a buy and sell enterprise in Davao City, which is the focus of this endeavor encounters difficulties in retrieving data from voluminous papers, generates insufficient reports, and finds hard time in listing their products. The purpose of their project is to identify and solve the problems regarding their sales and inventory management. The proponents’ analysis has found that SMS and PDU Integration in a Sales and Inventory Management could solve the current problems of the company. This study included the cost and benefits that the company could get from this project, its impact towards the employees, and how will this work. The project was conducted from the second semester of the school year 2008-2009 up to the school year of 2009-2010. Based on the results of the evaluation, the proponents found that the SMS and PDU Integration in a Sales and Inventory Management is cheaper, faster, more effective, and more efficient as compared to the other alternative solutions and the current system. For the enhancement of the system, the proponents recommended to include a back-up system for emergency use. The system may also be uploaded in the internet for the other branches to use it.
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