Random Forest Prediction of Crystal Structure from Diffraction Patterns

Samuel P. Gleason,Alexander Rakowski, Stephanie M. Ribet, Steven E. Zeltmann, Benjamin H. Savitzky, Matthew Henderson,Jim Ciston,Colin Ophus

Physical Review Materials(2024)

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Diffraction is the most common method to solve for unknown or partially known crystal structures. However, it remains a challenge to determine the crystal structure of a new material that may have nanoscale size or heterogeneities. Here we train an architecture of hierarchical random forest models capable of predicting the crystal system, space group, and lattice parameters from one or more unknown 2D electron diffraction patterns. Our initial model correctly identifies the crystal system of a simulated electron diffraction pattern from a 20 nm thick specimen of arbitrary orientation 67 topline accuracy of 79 same material but different zone axes. The space group and lattice predictions range from 70-90 respectively, for cubic, hexagonal, trigonal and tetragonal crystal systems while being less reliable on orthorhombic and monoclinic systems. We apply this architecture to a 4D-STEM scan of gold nanoparticles, where it accurately predicts the crystal structure and lattice constants. These random forest models can be used to significantly accelerate the analysis of electron diffraction patterns, particularly in the case of unknown crystal structures. Additionally, due to the speed of inference, these models could be integrated into live TEM experiments, allowing real-time labeling of a specimen.
Crystal Structures,Structure Determination,Crystallography,Materials Discovery
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