Cryogenic microwave link for quantum local area networks

M. Renger, S. Gandorfer, W. Yam, F. Fesquet, M. Handschuh, K. E. Honasoge, F. Kronowetter, Y. Nojiri,M. Partanen, M. Pfeiffer,H. van der Vliet,A. J. Matthews,J. Govenius,R. N. Jabdaraghi, M. Prunnila,A. Marx,F. Deppe,R. Gross,K. G. Fedorov

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Scalable quantum information processing with superconducting circuits is about to advance from individual processors in single dilution refrigerators to more powerful distributed quantum computing systems located in separate cooling units in order to achieve a practical quantum advantage. Hence, realization of hardware platforms for quantum local area networks (QLANs) compatible with superconducting technology is of high importance. Here, we demonstrate a basic prototype for a microwave QLAN based on a cryogenic link connecting two individual dilution cryostats over a distance of 6.6m with a base temperature of 52mK in the center. We provide details about the system design, installation, and performance. We employ superconducting coaxial microwave transmission lines to form a quantum communication channel and characterize its potential by demonstrating robust entanglement distribution in the form of two-mode squeezing between remote parties. By preserving entanglement distribution at link temperatures up to 1K, we experimentally verify the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Consequently, we demonstrate that our system can form the backbone for future distributed quantum computing applications.
cryogenic microwave link,local area networks,quantum
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