Partially Observable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Information Sharing


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We study provable multi-agent reinforcement learning (RL) in the general framework of partially observable stochastic games (POSGs). To circumvent the known hardness results and the use of computationally intractable oracles, we advocate leveraging the potential information-sharing among agents, a common practice in empirical multi-agent RL, and a standard model for multi-agent control systems with communications. We first establish several computational complexity results to justify the necessity of information-sharing, as well as the observability assumption that has enabled quasi-efficient single-agent RL with partial observations, for efficiently solving POSGs. Inspired by the inefficiency of planning in the ground-truth model, we then propose to further approximate the shared common information to construct an approximate model of the POSG, in which planning an approximate equilibrium (in terms of solving the original POSG) can be quasi-efficient, i.e., of quasi-polynomial-time, under the aforementioned assumptions. Furthermore, we develop a partially observable multi-agent RL algorithm that is both statistically and computationally quasi-efficient. Finally, beyond equilibrium learning, we extend our algorithmic framework to finding the team-optimal solution in cooperative POSGs, i.e., decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes, a much more challenging goal. We establish concrete computational and sample complexities under several common structural assumptions of the model. We hope our study could open up the possibilities of leveraging and even designing different information structures, a well-studied notion in control theory, for developing both sample- and computation-efficient partially observable multi-agent RL.
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