Intense Laser Sources of Gamma Radiation and Neutrons Based on High-Current Beams of Super-Ponderomotive Electrons

Surface investigation x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques/Journal of surface investigation x-ray, synchrotron and neutron techniques(2023)

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Intense beams of photons and neutrons in the MeV energy range are effective tools in many areas of research, such as the diagnostics of matter in extreme states, nuclear physics, and materials science, as well as in medical and biophysical applications. A concept is presented for creating efficient sources of γ radiation and neutrons based on the generation of relativistic electrons in the mode of direct laser acceleration during interaction between a laser pulse with an intensity of 1019 W/cm2 and extended plasma with a density close to critical.
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laser-plasma interaction,near-critical density plasma,direct laser acceleration of electrons,effective sources of γ radiation and neutrons
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