Chimeric Peptide Engineered Bioregulator for Metastatic Tumor Immunotherapy Through Macrophage Polarization and Phagocytosis Restoration.

ACS nano(2023)

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Tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) are the most abundant immune cells in solid tumor tissues, which restrict antitumor immunity by releasing tumor-supporting cytokines and attenuating phagocytosis behaviors. In this work, a chimeric peptide engineered bioregulator (ChiP-RS) is constructed for tumor immunotherapy through macrophage polarization and phagocytosis restoration. ChiP-RS is fabricated by utilizing macrophage-targeting chimeric peptide (ChiP) to load Toll-like receptor agonists (R848) and Src homology 2 (SH2) domain-containing protein tyrosine phosphatase 2 (SHP-2) inhibitor (SHP099). Among which, ChiP-RS prefers to be internalized by TAMs, repolarizing M2 macrophages into M1 macrophages to reverse the immunosuppressive microenvironment. In addition, SHP-2 can be downregulated to promote phagocytotic elimination behaviors of M1 macrophages, which will also activate T cell-based antitumor immunity for metastatic tumor therapy. In vitro and in vivo findings demonstrate a superior suppression effect of ChiP-RS against metastatic tumors without systemic side effects. Such a simple but effective nanoplatform provides sophisticated synergism for immunotherapy, which may facilitate the development of translational nanomedicine for metastatic tumor treatment.
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Key words
tumor-associated macrophages,macrophage polarization,phagocytosis restoration,immunotherapy,drugdelivery
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