
SHEN Jing,LIU Zhikai, GUAN Hui,ZHEN Hongnan,SUN Xiansong, JIANG Fei, ZHANG Yue, YU Lang, ZHANG Jie, ZHANG Fuquan

Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital(2023)

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本文报道北京协和医院放射治疗科首次应用全骨髓全淋巴链照射(total marrow and lymphoid irradiation,TMLI)技术助力骨髓增生异常综合征合并髓系肉瘤患者行造血干细胞移植前清髓 1 例.于治疗前对患者进行放疗定位及靶区勾画,设计应用螺旋断层治疗加速器(TOMO加速器)进行TMLI治疗的全流程,后行放射治疗,顺利实现全骨髓和淋巴针对性照射.该患者在治疗过程中体感舒适,治疗时间(45 min~1 h/次)较全身照射技术(total body irradia-tion,TBI)(3~4 h/次)大大缩短,照射剂量率(800 cGy/min)较TBI(5~30 cGy/min)大幅提高,治疗后口腔黏膜炎、胃肠道反应均较轻,取得了较好的治疗效果.本文就该患者的治疗过程及TMLI技术展开讨论,为后续开展更多患者的治疗提供全流程及重要参数借鉴.
Key words
total marrow and lymphoid irradiation,myeloablating transplantation,blood disease,hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
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