
Calculation of Kinetic and Diffusion Coefficients of the Process of Surfactant Adsorption in Oil-Bearing Porous Rocks

G. S. Aliyev,Kh. M. Rustamli, Kh. Sh. Hajiahmedzade

Mathematical models and computer simulations(2023)

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This article presents the results of studies of the kinetic and diffusion coefficients for the adsorption of surfactants on oil-bearing rocks in the nonlinear region of the isotherm. These parameters allow us to select an effective solution filtration mode, set the velocity of concentration points of the adsorption front, and control the longitudinal-temporal distribution of surfactant concentrations on the solid and mobile phases of the reservoir depending on the initial concentration and the flow rate of the solution. The paper presents a numerical method for determining the parameters of the equations of a mathematical model of the adsorption of surfactants—sulfanol from an aqueous solution in oil-bearing sand using the experimental data. It takes into account that the kinetics coefficient and the effective diffusion coefficient in a porous medium depend on the concentration of the target component. Using the experimental data and the developed methodology, empirical equations for the kinetics coefficient and the effective diffusion coefficient of the process are determined. It is determined that these coefficients vary within very broad limits. As a result of the research, we came to the conclusion that the developed numerical methods for determining the parameters of the equations of mathematical models of the adsorption of surfactants on oil and quartz sands ensured the adequacy of the calculated data of the adsorbate and the adsorptive experiment. The maximum average deviation does not exceed 8%.
adsorption,porous media,surfactants,soap oil,mathematical model,kinetic coefficient,effective diffusion coefficient
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