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Access, Perceived Quality and Uptake of Antenatal Services in Urban Communities of Osun State, Southwest Nigeria.

African journal of reproductive health(2022)SCI 4区

Bowen Univ | Ladoke Akintola Univ

Cited 1|Views0
Quality antenatal care (ANC) is one of the key interventions to improve intrapartum care uptakes and to reduce the menace of maternal deaths globally. Yet, ANC coverage has remained low in many developing countries like Nigeria. It becomes imperative to contextually understand factors associated with ANC uptake in Nigeria. The study assessed level of utilization, perceived quality, level of satisfaction and determinants of ANC utilization among women of reproductive age-group in Oshogbo, South-west Nigeria. Cross-sectional study design was employed and cluster sampling method was used to recruit 420 consenting respondents. Data were collected using pretested interviewer-administered, semi-structured questionnaire. Both descriptive and inferential <0.05. The mean (±SD) age of the respondents was 30.84±6.0 years. Almost three-quarters (73.9%) of the respondents had at least 4 ANC visits. Main reasons for non-ANC usage were high cost of care, long waiting time at the clinic, long distance to the clinic and unsatisfactory service quality. Only 59.9% of respondents were satisfied with services received while 63.1% of them rated the service quality as excellent. Main determinants of ANC uptake were respondents' age (AOR=2.35;95%CI=1.34-5.89), level of education (AOR=0.56;95% CI= 0.42-0.71), socio-economic status (AOR=5.22; 95%CI=2.02-6.65) and monthly family income (AOR=0.89; 95%CI=0.02-0.90). Although the rate of ANC use was high in the study setting, the proportion of women who were satisfied with service quality was sub-optimal. There is need for implementation of multi-pronged intervention to make ANC services more available, accessible, affordable and acceptable to the Nigerian women.
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Key words
Antenatal care,access,quality,satisfaction,skilled birth attendants,Nigeria
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