
Application of the 44/40Ca-88/86Sr multi-proxy to Namibian Marinoan cap carbonates


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Several studies have exploited the stable calcium (Ca) and strontium (Sr) isotope compositions of marine carbonate rocks to investigate ancient carbon cycle dynamics, seawater geochemistry, and controls on carbonate production and preservation. However, the two proxies have rarely been applied together. Based on knowledge achieved to date, the & delta; 44/40Ca-& delta;88/86Sr multi-proxy can distinguish signatures imparted by mass-dependent fractionation and reservoir mixing, including early diagenesis and shifts in the isotopic composition of seawater. In detail, the & delta;44/40Ca-& delta;88/86Sr multi-proxy represents a five-isotope system because the determination of & delta;88/86Sr values requires analysis of fractionation-corrected 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which provide additional constraints on mixing. Here, we apply the novel & delta;44/40Ca-& delta;88/86Sr multi-proxy to two Marinoan (ca. 635 Ma) "cap carbonate" sequences from Namibia. Cap carbonates were widely deposited after the Neoproterozoic Marinoan Snowball Earth Event, but controversy surrounds their origin. We find that the rocks archive primary environmental signals deriving from a combination of seawater-glacial meltwater mixing and kinetic isotope effects. In an outer platform section, dolostone & delta;44/40Ca and & delta;88/86Sr values define a line predicted for kinetic massdependent isotope fractionation. This dolostone mostly precipitated from meltwater. Moreover, stratigraphically higher samples exhibiting the fastest precipitation rates display elevated 87Sr/86Sr ratios, consistent with long-held expectations that a rapid deglacial weathering pulse forced cap carbonate formation. An innerplatform dolostone shows greater effects from water-mass mixing but still reveals that precipitation rates increased up-section. Overlying limestones show greater Ca and Sr contributions from seawater. Amplification of local coastal processes during global ice sheet collapse offers a simple but sufficient proposition to explain the Ca isotope heterogeneity of cap carbonates. Detection of kinetic isotope effects provides evidence for predominantly rock-buffered diagenesis and further offers a basis for developing the & delta;44/40Ca-& delta;88/86Sr multi-proxy as an indicator of saturation state and pCO2.
Calcium isotopes,Strontium isotopes,Marinoan Snowball Earth,Cap carbonate
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