Influence of parasitic diseases on subsistence production of small family farming producer

Isadora de Menezes Brasil Camara,Sthenia Santos Albano Amora, Paulo Gabriel Gadelha Queiroz, Andressa Bandeira de Sousa Alves, Rebeca Colares Bezerra,Renata Cristina Borges da Silva Macedo,Karoline Mikaelle de Paiva Soares,Ana Carla Diogenes Suassuna Bezerra


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Family farming producers are considered a specific class in the social system, as they combine characteristics of the two other social classes, thus, while acting as owners of the means of production, they are also workers. In this sense, the breeding system must avoid errors in sanitary management in order to maximize profit for producers. Among the most common errors are those that allow parasitic diseases, constituting one of the main obstacles when management is inadequate. Thus, the objective of this work was to identify the influence of parasitic diseases on the subsistence production of small family farming producers. Were visited 30 rural properties chosen at random in the West Potiguar region of the rural area of the municipality of Mossoro, where was carried out a parasitic diagnosis of endoparasites (count of eggs per gram and larvae) and ectoparasites. According to the location and parasite diagnosis, Strongyloidea eggs were identified in 100% (30/30) of the properties, Moniezia 23.3% (7/30) and Eimeria oocysts 73.3% (22/30). The larvae identified by property were Haemonchus spp 90% (27/30), Trichostrongylus spp 86.6% (26/30), Oesophagostomum spp 20% (6/30) and Trichuris spp 3.3% (1/30). As for the ectoparasites, they were identified by collection sites in Damalinia caprae 46.6% (14/30) and Rhipicephalus microplus 10% (3/30). Concluding that the surveyed producers have goat herds with sanitary management errors, causing the presence of ecto and endoparasites that can influence low profits associated with high expenses.
Family Farming,Sustainable Rural Development,Parasitosis,Sanitary Management
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