
General qualification of injuries of road accident participants with reference to forestry


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The research shows that injuries in the world, as well as in Croatia, especially those resulting from traffic accidents, which are in the company Hrvatske sume Ltd. recorded as others, ie categorized along with other injuries at work, represent a significant public health and economic problem, for the wider community, but also for the company Hrvatske sume Ltd. At the same time, the planned measures and activities (primarily the National Road Safety Program of the Republic of Croatia, but also other plans from the state and company level) from year to year do not bring the expected results, ie the number of casualties is still high. Subject research seeks to mitigate the consequences of accidents, through the development of criteria for more accurate and precise classification of injuries as a prerequisite for many procedures, from treatment, rehabilitation, but also rights from employment and other relations, or proceedings before prosecutors, courts and insurance companies. The research covers an area that has not been researched so far or has been researched to a lesser extent in the Republic of Croatia and surrounding countries, and in addition to determining the framework for injury qualification, which should determine the cause-and-effect relationship of certain types of accidents (consecutive driving, side collision, head-on collision and overturning) and injuries that occur in them, with experiential and scientifically based notes related to individual injuries. In this way, the results of the research are an excellent tool, especially for those who are the first to qualify the injuries that a participant sustains in a car accident, or for the doctors who were the first to help the victims. The authors understand the complexity and severity of the moment in which these doctors qualify injuries (sometimes due to the severity of injuries and inability to contact with the injured). Namely, incorrect qualification in the first stage (although in possible future proceedings may be changed by expertise, which is not uncommon) may jeopardize the further course of treatment, rehabilitation, lead to unfounded criminal or misdemeanor proceedings or its absence even though it should have been conducted, and others numerous administrative and judicial proceedings of the participants in the accidents. Which for an individual and the community, and thus the company Hrvatske sume can have significant administrative difficulties and significant material costs. In addition to the primary goal of the research and its focus on doctors who are the first to qualify injuries, it should be useful for accident research services (police, state attorney's office, courts, insurance companies, but also professional services of Hrvatske sume Ltd.), because they also offer the possibility of the reverse procedure, ie verification, especially in cases when the accident is subsequently reported, or the driver has left the scene, or there are doubts about the nature of the injured participant. Namely, the results of the research enable and instruct everyone involved in these processes, how to connect an individual injury - check with damage to the vehicle or suspect that it occurred there, or how to conduct a quality criminal investigation in this area, fix and describe damage and injuries. For employees of Hrvatske sume Ltd. (but also all other services from the police, HGSS, to firefighters) who are not always able to call an ambulance in case of accidents with vehicles (because accidents happen on forest roads, often without a cell phone signal), or the arrival of an ambulance due to the distance is justifiably long, and the injured should be assisted, this work is extremely useful, because in addition to the qualification it describes the occurrence of damage in / on the vehicle and possible related injuries, and notes on how to recognize individual injuries. First aid to the injured, which, as we know, can in some cases save the life of the injured, but also reduce the consequences of the injury. The results of the research are classified into four overview tables for injury mechanisms in frontal collisions, side collisions, sequential collisions and vehicle overturns. The highest number of qualified injuries was found in frontal collisions (frontal) in which the largest number of injury mechanisms (4), and a total of 58 different injuries were identified, of which 24 qualify as ordinary serious bodily injury, 23 as particularly serious bodily injury, 10 as bodily injury and 1 as particularly severe with fatal consequences. For them, a total of 30 notes were entered in the tables, on how they are reported, what to pay attention to, etc. This indicates that these types of accidents are the most severe in terms of consequences (which are the most numerous for Hrvatske sume Ltd. when it comes to traffic accidents). In side collisions, the two most common mechanisms of injury were identified, and a total of 20 different injuries were identified, of which 8 qualify as ordinary serious bodily injury, 9 as particularly serious bodily injury and 3 as bodily injury. For these injuries, 10 notes are entered in the table. When the vehicle overturned, the three most common mechanisms of injury were identified, and a total of 16 different injuries were identified, of which 9 qualify as ordinary grievous bodily harm, 3 as particularly grievous bodily harm and 4 as bodily injury. 7 notes are entered in the table for these injuries. One injury mechanism was identified for collisions while driving in a sequence, and a total of 7 injuries were identified, of which 2 qualify as ordinary serious bodily injury and 5 as bodily injury. There are 2 notes for these injuries in the table. The presented statistical-analytical indicators of the company Hrvatske sume Ltd., along with other results of this research, are a good basis for further monitoring of injuries in the company, and can be a good basis for further identification (but also research on vehicle ergonomics and vehicle selection and protection, reduce the number and consequences of injuries) and assess the level of protection and safety at work in forest production, ie on the way to it, and increase competitiveness by developing mechanisms to improve educational, technical and safety competencies of human resources. And certainly, like the Ministry of the Interior, the indicators on the types of injuries to the god of uniformity should be harmonized with the terms from the Criminal Code described in this paper (especially severe, etc.).
traffic accidents, qualification of injuries, injuries at work, forestry
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